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Teller From Jerusalem

Jul 13, 2022

TFJ Season 2: Episode 9 

Character Workshop 

Criticizing constructively is an act of friendship and concern. You can help someone, especially if you catch the problem early on before it becomes too ingrained in the conduct of the offender to alter their behavior.  But if a relationship does not exist, the critique will...

Apr 6, 2022

If you care for your fellow person you will wish to correct them when they are erring. This is not just the domain of parents, but of any loving and considerate individual – yet a challenge in a society deeply entrenched in the belief of “mind your own business.”

Feb 23, 2022

TFJ: Series 2: Episode 1

Character Workshop

Welcome to our second season of Teller From Jerusalem. 


We are kicking things off with an episode on Character Development, focusing on Anger. 


Anger is a very destructive emotion, and accordingly we must implement a plan to ensure that rage does not usurp us from the...

Jan 12, 2022

TFJ Series 1: Episode 41: Character Workshop 

You may have noticed that Teller from Jerusalem has been on a break for the past few weeks, while we put the finishing touches to our incredible new season which will be in your feed next week. 

We will launch Season Two with an unmissable special episode... make...

Dec 22, 2021

TFJ Series 1: Episode 41: Character Workshop 

Teller From Jerusalem is very honored to host ever-wise and insightful Dr. Rona Novick, the Dean of the Azrieli Graduate School at Yeshiva University.
Dr. Novick is the only one who can sound like your mother, a graduate school professor and a very astute therapist all at...