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Teller From Jerusalem

May 26, 2021

TFJ: Series 1, Episode 16: The Birth of Israel

Eliezer Ben Yehudah is the father of modern Hebrew and succeeded in getting a reluctant people and government to adopt the language.  

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May 19, 2021

TFJ: Series 1 Episode 15: The Birth of Israel

Over six thousand gathered for Herzl’s funeral in Vienna. In 1949 the State of Israel honored Herzl’s request and brought his bones to be buried in the state that he envisioned. Assimilated Herzl did not appreciate the meaning of the Land of Israel to the Jews, and was...

May 12, 2021

TFJ Character Workshop – Series 1 Episode 14

The securest way to improve is not through goals, but via a system. This will entail “action” (which produces results) more importantly than “motion” (planning) 

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May 5, 2021

TFJ: The Birth of Israel Episode 13

Sir Moses Montefiore was the greatest Jewish philanthropist. For all of his benevolent deeds he was awarded phenomenal old age, and he utilized every day productively.   

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